About Us
On the Highest Branches Can Be Found the Sweetest Rewards
When you're passionate—truly passionate—about your idea, your product, your business, you want partners who share that passion.

Our Raison D'être
Great ideas are born all the time, but few ever see the light of day. As entrepreneurs, we've loved the process of nurturing an idea, and introducing it to the world. Now, as consultants, we have the opportunity to partner with founders and startup ventures to ensure that their innovations generate the attention—and the revenue—they deserve.
We know that creativity and entrepreneurship can be lonely. All those great ideas bouncing around in your head need to be shared, challenged, and sharpened; to do that, you need an experienced partner you can trust. We want to be that partner.

Our Founder

Scott began coding in the 1970s, and he's been a nerd ever since. After receiving his computer science degree from Brandeis University, he embarked on a career that saw him in senior leadership positions in the financial, higher education, and technology sectors. He founded his own software and services business, which he led for ten years. Later, he joined another early-stage software venture, helping to grow it significantly until its successful acquisition in 2019.
Scott is a recognized ponderer and propounder of ideas in the field of intelligent process automation.
A published author and practiced public speaker, Scott volunteers as an Innovation Advisor for the UC Irvine Wayfinder program, which matches brilliant young founders with mentors to help guide them through their entrepreneurial journey. His long career has taught him that where there is easy laughter, common purpose, and uncompromising integrity, success will follow.
E. Scott Menter
Founder and Principal Consultant

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Giraffe are exceptional animals. They are elegant, yet pragmatic. They are tough (a mother giraffe drops her calf 6 ft. or more onto the hard savannah ground at birth!), yet gentle. They exist in a harsh and unforgiving world, yet live each day with grace and beauty.
Giraffe are collaborative. At the watering hole, while some are splayed rather awkwardly to as they reach down for a refreshing drink, the others stand tall, looking in every direction to protect them from ambush.
Giraffe support their community. Thanks to their height, the giraffe act as sort of an early-warning system to the other animals, alerting them to predators.
Giraffe don't settle for the low-hanging fruit, but rather leverage their natural talents to reach rewards that other animals can only dream of.
Giraffe are adapted to their environment. Gifted with long, nimble tongues, giraffe enjoy the leaves of the acacia tree, whose long, sharp thorns send most other animals looking for lesser, more easily-obtained treats.
If you love the giraffe, as we do, please consider a gift to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, which is doing remarkable and innovative work in the areas of conservation and management of giraffe in the wild.